How to attract more customers to your restaurant

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Your menu's the perfect mix for the market. Your decor and staff are a welcoming combination. And your chef is a consistent performer.

Yet something's missing – customers. Either they're not coming in, or they're not coming back. Whatever the case, you've got a problem. So what else is missing? Here are a few ways you can find the missing link separating your restaurant from table-filling regulars and a steady flow of newcomers.

Mix in some live music

A decent musician playing at a conversation-friendly volume can create welcome energy and attract not just a crowd, but an audience. Are there any quality musicians playing around your local area? Have a wander on any sunny Sunday afternoon and you'll find a surprising array of talent playing on street corners and in cafes for peanuts. Most will jump at a regular evening gig for a reasonable fee.

Put on a fundraising feast

Are there any local groups or charities that would benefit from a hosted fundraiser? There may even be a current customer who could use a venue for a charity event. With the right combination of donations and diners you can generate a whole new client base.

Serve up a Neighbourhood Nosh

Private homes have street gatherings as a great way to ‘Meet the Neighbours' so why not do it in your restaurant? The local community are likely to be a critical part of your long term prospects, so give them a good reason to come and dine with you. The chance to meet other local residents might be reason enough.

Commit your diners to memory

Any first time diner getting a visit from the manager who greets them by name is going to be impressed. Such personal touches might seem small in the grand scheme of things, but they do make people feel important. In fact, it may be all they need to come back.

Do slow night specials

Nothing gets people through the door like a serious discount. Turn your slow nights into a super special on one of your popular menu items as maybe a beer or wine combo. Offer further discounts for groups of six or more. Create a party atmosphere with music and maybe even giveaways. You might operate at lower margins on the night, but if you can fill the tables you're likely to pick up some normal margin regulars on the night.

Start a VIP system

If you knew your next meal was going to be half price would you come back? Well, if you enjoyed the first one, the answer is probably yes. Any VIP system that rewards customers for thier loyalty and makes them feel valuable will only increase your control over their future dining decisions.

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